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Keep your Pinky Promises If You Want To Scale Your Business


Here’s a fact that might make you spit out your coffee:

Most content creation and advertising is utterly, hopelessly, painfully ignored. Skipped over. Scrolled past. Mentally blackholed before it even has a chance.

Why? It’s not because it lacks pizzazz. Or humor. Or high-end production value.

No, the real reason is far simpler – and far more devastating.

Most advertising makes no promise.

Let that sink in. In the mad rush to be clever, to be viral, to be all things to all consumers, most brands overlook the one thing that matters most: delivering a concrete, compelling benefit.

And it’s killing them.

The Power of the Promise

Imagine you’re strolling through a bustling market. Vendors left and right are hawking their wares, shouting slogans, waving signs. It’s a cacophony of noise.

But then, one voice cuts through the din. “Freshest crab in town,” the fishmonger calls. “Caught this morning, guaranteed.”

You stop. You listen. Why? Because amid all the vague chatter of “Best quality!” and “Low prices!”, this seller made a promise. A specific, verifiable pledge of value.

That’s the power of the promise. In a sea of sameness, he tossed out a lure. (haha, yeah, big puns today!) 

Lesson: You need reason to pause your ICP’s endless scrolling and think, “Huh. Tell me more.”

The Anatomy of a Killer Promise

So what separates a weak promise from a wallet-opener? A few key ingredients:

  1. Specificity. “Best quality” is noise. “Handmade with organic ingredients” is a promise. Details matter.
  2. Uniqueness. If your promise sounds like everyone else’s, it’s not a promise. It’s a platitude. Find your differentiator.
  3. Relevance. A promise is only powerful if it’s something your audience deeply desires. Know their wants, needs, fears, dreams.
  4. Believability. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver. Skepticism is the default these days. Your promise must pass the smell test.

When you get these right, magic happens. Imagine seeing an ad that said, “Lose 10 pounds in 60 days – guaranteed or your money back.” If weight loss is your goal, that’s a hard promise to ignore.

Or how about, “Learn a new language in 60 days – fluent enough for basic conversations.” If you’ve dreamed of being bilingual, that promise is a siren song. Or a mermaid’s melody. Whatever float’s your boat, really. (I’m feeling punny today.)

The Small Business Superpower

Here’s the kicker: for small businesses, solopreneurs, coaches and consultants, a strong promise isn’t just nice-to-have. It’s a matter of survival.

Think about it. You don’t have the brand recognition of Nike. The ad budget of Apple. The market share of Amazon.

What you do have is the ability to make a promise that’s laser-targeted to your niche.

  • As a business coach, you’re not just promising “success”. You’re promising to “2x your revenue in 12 months by optimizing your sales funnel”.
  • As a boutique marketing agency, you’re not just offering “great creative”. You’re pledging to “increase your ROAS by 30% with hyper-targeted ad campaigns”.
  • As a wellness consultant, you’re not just hawking “better health”. You’re guaranteeing “more energy and less stress with personalized nutrition and mindfulness plans”.

These are promises that the big guys can’t make. They’re too specific, too niche. But for you? They’re your superpower. Your slingshot against the Goliaths.

The Promise-Brand Bond

Here’s the beautiful part: when you make a promise and keep it, something incredible happens. You don’t just make a sale. You make a bond.

Think about the brands you love. The ones you recommend to friends. Chances are, they made you a promise at some point. And then they delivered on it, again and again.

That’s how loyalists are made. That’s how movements are born. Not through clever taglines, but through kept promises.

So as a small business, your promise isn’t just your foot in the door. It’s your path to a sustainable, passionate, profit-driving fan base.

The Promise Imperative

So here’s the bottom line, the TL;DR, the moral of this story:

Your promise is everything.

Not your logo. Not your website. Not your witty social media repartee.

Your promise is the heart of your marketing, the soul of your brand, the north star guiding your business. And guess what? It goes hand-in-hand with your [[positioning]]. 

Ignore it, and you’re just another voice in the crowd, easily ignored and quickly forgotten.

But embrace it? Hone it, deliver on it, make it the bedrock of all you do?

That’s how you become unforgettable. Indispensable. The one name your ideal customers think of when they’re ready to buy.

So make a promise. Make it bold. Make it unique. 

(Be realistic, but don’t you f*cking dare play small.) 

Then move heaven and earth to keep that promise.

Your brand, your business, and your bank account will all be in the black.

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